Avon Guild Committee
Chair Paulette Bjergfelt
Secretary Sheila Liddle
Treasurer Claire Cryer
Program Secr Helen Tripp/Frances Fletcher
Library Ronan Dorvillers
Raffle Kathryn Kirk
Refreshments Linda Geary
Sales Norma Chandler Patterson
Website Sheila Liddle
Winner of the Christmas Competition - Barbara Bennett with for her lovely socks
Avon Guild Programme 2024
13th January
Membership renewal
Member’s skills day – demos - Hula hoop weaving with Frances, Naalbinding with Maggie and Ronan, , Frame knitting -Norma, mitred knitting with Frances, Tunisian crochet with Paulette
10th February
11:30 “The box under the bed”
Discover ways to use those small amounts of hand spun that you have stashed in a hideaway place. Paulette Bjergfelt Long draw with Claire Cryer
9th March
11.30 AGM
13:30 A talk from the Distaff Spinners
13th April
11:30 Dyeing using Kool Aid and food dyes
Frances Fletcher and Barbara Bennett
11th May
11:30 Workshop
Warping and weaving on 4 shaft and rigid heddle looms. Sheila Liddle and Debbie White
8th June
11.30 Workshop Spinning off the point, supported spindles and other equipment.
Frances Fletcher on Charkra and Sarah Harris on Great Wheel
13th July
11.00 Wet felting workshop with Fi Harris. Cost of materials £7.50
No meeting
14th September
11-30 Workshop Blending fibres on the drum carder and making art yarns – Maggie Robinson and Claire Cryer11:30 Workshop on carding and long draw spinning - CLaire Cryer
12th October
Guild Open Day, Sales and Exhibition
(11:00 – 15:00)
9th November
11.30pm Terri Shires will lead us on making tapestry samples which help with making our own woven tapestries.
14th December
Christmas Party - Food, fun and games
Annual Competition - Keeping warm
The Avon Guild will be 50 years old in November 2025 - we are planning an exhibition. Please start making some beautiful items for the exhibition.
Send ideas for workshops to the committee.