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News and Articles

January Meeting

February Meeting


March Meeting

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The January meeting was a Members Skills Day where members demonstrate their various skills. Frances did circular weaving on a hoola hoop. Maggie and Ronan lead the nålbinding.

It was also Annual Subs Renewal Day. We are delighted to welcome a large number of newcomers, who have recently joined the guild, especially the younger generation - as we want to keep our skills alive.

The February meeting was lead by Paulette who promoted ideas about waht to do with all the oddments you have stashed away in cupboards and under the bed.

All kinds of activities took place including Nalebinding, Tunisian  crochet, and needle felting.

March's meeting started with the Avon Guild's. Annual General Meeting. The committee has stayed almost the same as it was the previous year.

After the AGM - we had a talk given by the Distaff Spinners on how spinners have used distaffs thorugh the ages and the difference between French and English ones.

We will be needing these if we are to have a go at flax spinning.

April meeting

May meeting

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At the April meeting Frances lead the session - showing members how to dye using food colouring and Kool Aid. Some inetersteing colours were achieved.

The May meeting was all about weaving, from how to calculate your warp to putting it on the loom. Members calcualted their warp and some had a go at warping to their loom.

Extra copies of the paperwork are available if people want a copy.

June Meeting


The focus of this meeting was spinning to a point. Frances Fletcher and otheres lead the session on using other wheels such as the Indian Charkra. Unfortunately Sarah was unable to bring her great wheel.

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At the April meeting Frances lead the session - showing members how to dye using food colouring and Kool Aid. Some inetersteing colours were achieved.

The May meeting was all about weaving, from how to calculate your warp to putting it on the loom. Members calcualted their warp and some had a go at warping to their loom.

Extra copies of the paperwork are available if people want a copy.

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